Collection: Lapis Lazuli (Communication)

If you have trouble with communication and indecisiveness, Lapis Lazuli is the perfect healing crystal for you! It has a strong effect on the Throat Chakra which is why the crystal encourages to voice your opinion and emotions. The crystal not only encourages open communication with others but also with yourself. And in doing so it enables to be yourself and to find your inner truth, which is why this crystal is effective for indecisiveness.

On the physical level, Lapis helps if you have any complaints about your throat, larynx, thyroid and vocal cords. And since it also has an effect on the Third Eye Chakra it helps with migraines, sleep problems, dizziness, and stress. 

What makes Lapis Lazuli crystal one of the most powerful gemstones in the mineral kingdom is the combination of sulfur deposits and unique variations of gold and white specks from Calcite and Pyrite, the good luck stones. The Lapis Lazuli crystal meaning is associated with the third eye chakra, the energy center that processes the essence of your inner spirit. When you wear the stone as jewelry or meditate with a single tumbled stone, you can channel the ancient Egyptians and their belief in its power to stimulate a connection to the spirit world. Wearing this blue crystal will both balance your inner self with your external self, and help to harmonize the male-female facets of your personality, as well as helping to relax you. A stone of truth, Lapis encourages honesty of the spirit, and in the spoken and written word. Wear it for all forms of deep communication.

Lapis Lazuli (Communication)

Want To Know The Meaning of Your Crystal Stones

Crystals are made up of different elements or compounds, which our bodies react to in different ways,” says a crystal master healer. “Crystals are minerals that hold energy, and as we as humans are made up of energy, we can exchange energy with the crystal when we work with it.”

For example, Jade is a wonderful balancing stone. It is considered to be a lucky stone that offers good health, wealth, and love. Check out our stone list if your want to learn more.

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Find Your Birthstone

Birthstones were each thought to come with unique powers including good luck, health and prosperity. There was one gemstone corresponding to each month of the year. Today, birthstones are still highly prized as gifts with significant meaning, since it shows that the gift giver has put thought into a personalized trinket. Traditionally each month is associated with one birthstone, but you will find some months have multiple birthstones.

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